Academic and applied journal


ISSN 1997-2377

Abstracts of journal articles


Issue 1





 Ontology and the theory of knowledge



Lavrukhina I.M. Notional oppositions in the discussion of the problem of the transcendence  



 Philosophy of science



Alieva N.Z. From synergetics and postmodernizm – to postnonclassical education  



Pivneva N.V. Human trend in education: sources, stages of development and the present



Akbulatov S.A. Theoretical reproduction of the historic process in the system of knowledge



 Social philosophy



Builo B. I. Personality and society in the social philosophy of N. Berdyaev


Smirnov A.E. Diagramatisation of the social  



Tarantsov V.P. Clusterization of the elite self-consciousness



Ismailov N.O. Justice from the viewpoint of the main requirements of dialectics



Chelombitskaya M.P. Intellect as an ability for social  adaptation



Chulanov V.A., Molchanov K.V. The acceptance of aims and means of the modernized project by the social  mentality



Molchanov K.V. Economic and philosophic comprehension of the social order



Skhalyalo Z.Ch. Virtuality as a social and philosophic notion and a factor of transformation of economic sphere of social life



Budov A.I. State and church relations in the Russian civil society



Saraeva G.N. Spiritual and moral way of life traditions of the Cossacks



 Philosophical anthropology



Kovalenko E.M. The reconstruction of the cultural concept in the cognitive paradigm



Kamalova O.N. Aesthetic assimilation of reality in the context of philosophic ideas of Shelling



Davidovich V.E., Aloyan N.L. The meaning of metaphor in the philosophy of F.Nitcshe



Gioeva D.A. Sensory technologies



Panchenko S.V. The informal activity: modern philosophical analysis



Vakhrusheva E.U. «Artistic taste»: historic and philosophic aspect



Aloyan N.L. Suffering phenomenon in the archaic society



Belov N.A. Man in the situation of the «second nature» (polemic reflections)



Larin E.I.  So familiar mass culture



Kovaleva N.L. Philosophic-anthropological foundations of the Russian culture development on the border line of XVII-XVIII centuries



 Culture science



Golovan S.A. Aesthetic Education in the Internet Age



Nizhegorodova M.N. Artistic creativity as a means of construction of the reality in the space of the chronsubcultural role community



Isaev A.A. Vaynakh's ethics about the meaning of education



 Philosophy of law



Turkulets S.E. The extrarational in law






Filonenko V.I. The problems of socialization and typologization of the modern Russian students



Yakunin A.A. Vital strategies of the youth in the system of sociological knowledge



Bondarenko O.V., Alekseev S.V. Institutional expansion of the corruption practices



Alekseev S.V. Peculiarities of forming the corruptional connections



Krotov D.V. «Social capital» as a criterion of the development of society



Przhilenskaya I.B. Social aims and meanings of life of the russian people: in accordance with the biographical interview






Pushkarev E.A. The problems of the law-criminal defence of the Russian citizens  






Kotova N.S.  Ambivalent language personality:  function-systematical aspect



Chuguy A.V. Communicems-junctions: phraseological aspect  



 Problems of education



Drach G.V., Leshkevich T.G. Philosophy in the European University





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