Academic and applied journal
ISSN 1997-2377
Suleimen – post-graduate student. The
Chechen State University. Tel.: 8-928-740-35-27.
Abrech Svetlana Inverovna
– senior lecturer of labour law dpt.
Maikop State Technical University. Tel.: 8-961-59-57-537.
Alieva Natalia Zinovievna
– candidate of technical sciences,
professor assistant. South-Russian State University of Economy and
Service in Shakhty. Tel.: 8-918-544-18-78, e-mail:
Alipova Natalia Viktorovna
– post-graduate student of the
philosophical and cultural, science philosophy dpt. South Federal
University. Tel.: 8-904-501-22-89.
Amatov Aleksey
Mikhailovich – post-graduate student of
the philosophical dpt. Belgorod State University. Tel.: 8-863-264-56-07.
Arsenieva Viktoria
Leonidovna – senior lecturer of design and
decorative-applied arts dpt. Pedagogical institute of South Federal
University. 344079, 60, Profinterna street 11a, Rostov-on-Don. Tel.:
Baboshin Vasiliy
Viktorovich – candidate of sociological
sciences, professor assistant, senior research worker. Stavropol branch
of SII MIA. 355029, 16, Lenin street, 405, Stavropol. Tel.:
Bakulov Viktor Dmitrievich
– doctor of philosophic sciences,
professor, head of philosophy and science methodology sub-faculty of
philosophy and cultural science dpt. South Federal University.
Borisova Oksana Sergeevna
– post-graduate student of the
philosophical dpt. Belgorod State University. Tel.: 8-863-264-56-07.
Borisov Sergey Nikolaevich
– candidate of philosophic sciences,
senior lecturer of philosophical dpt. Belgorod State University. Tel.:
Borodai Vladimir
Alexandrovich – candidate of sociological
sciences, working for doctor's degree at human and social science dpt.
Shakhty institute of South-Russian State Technical University (NPI).
Tel.: 8-928-212-73-45.
Bondarenko Olga Vasilievna
– doctor of sociological sciences,
professor of the human and social sciences dpt. Shakhty institute of
South-Russian State Technical University (NPI).Tel.: 8-928-212-73-45.
Budov Anatoliy Ivanovich –
candidate of philosophic sciences,
professor assistant of philosophical dpt. Russian Medical University.
Tel.: 8-495-686-18-95.
Vagin Sergey Nikolaevich –
senior lecturer of the human and social
sciences dpt. Shakhty institute of South-Russian State Technical
University (NPI). Tel.: 8-928-212-73-45.
Gordus Alexander
Mikhailovich – post-graduate
student of the philosophical and cultural, science philosophy dpt.
Pedagogical institute of South Federal University.Tel.: 8-863-264-56-07.
Gurba Vladimir Nikolaevich
– candidate of sociological sciences,
working for doctor's degree at human and social science dpt. Shakhty
institute of South-Russian State Technical University (NPI). Tel.:
Zhaldak Nikolay
Nikolaevich – candidate of philosophic
sciences, professor assistant of philosophical dpt. Belgorod State
University. Tel.: 8-863-264-56-07.
Zabolotnaya Anastasia
Sergeevna – post-graduate student of the
philosophical and cultural, science philosophy dpt. Pedagogical
institute of South Federal University.Tel.: 8-906-180-18-66.
Zayceva Svetlana
Alexandrovna – senior lecturer of the
human disciplines dpt. Novorossiysk branch of Belgorod State Technical
University of V.G. Shukhova. 5, Rubin street, Novorossiysk. Tel.:
Zakharov Alexander
Vladimirovich – candidate of philosophic
sciences, professor assistant of philosophical dpt. Volgograd State
Technical University. Tel.: 8-961-067-24-20, e-mail:
Ignatova Antonina
Anatolievna – post-graduate student of
philosophy and science methodology sub-faculty of philosophy and
cultural science dpt. South Federal University. Tel.: 8-863-264-56-07.
Kobleva Almira Atamovna –
lecturer of general human and
socio-economic disciplines dpt. Yablonovskiy branch of Maikop State
Technical University. Tel.: 8-918-470-78-18, e-mail:
Kovazhenkov Mikhail
Alexandrovich – candidate of philosophic
sciences, professor assistant, dean's deputy of economy and management
dpt. Volgograd State Technical University.Tel.: 8-917-337-63-13, e-mail:
Kostina Irina Borisovna –
assistant of information technology dpt.
Belgorod State University. Tel.: 8-863-264-56-07.
Kravchenko Roman Yurievich
– post-graduate student. Armavir
Orthodox-Social Institute. Tel.: 8-918-116-18-19, e-mail:
Kovalev Yuriy Alekseevich
– post-graduate student of the
philosophical and cultural science sub-faculty of philosophical dpt.
South-Russian Institute of Human Sciences. Tel.: 8-863-298-42-48.
Kovalev Vitaliy
Vladimirovich – candidate of philosophic
sciences, professor assistant of sociology and political science dpt.
Pedagogical institute of South Federal University. Fl. 4, Kazakhskaya
street, 73, Rostov-on-Don. Tel.: 8-903-438-82-67.
Leontjeva Elena Yurievna
– doctor of philosophic sciences,
professor, head of philosophic dpt. Volgograd State Technical
University. Tel. 844-224-80-97
Masalov Sergey Nikolaevich
– post-graduate student of Armavir
Orthodox-Social institute.
Maslovskaya Natela
Jemalovna – post-graduate student of
tuition by correspondence. Rostov Law Institiute MIA of Russia. Tel.:
Melnikova Lyubov
Gavrilovna – lecturer of philosophical and
culture science dpt. South-Russian Institute of Human Sciences. Tel.:
Mizov Aleksey Igorevich –
post-graduate student of philosophy
subfaculty of economy and management dpt. Volgograd State Technical
University.Tel.:8-8442-24-80-97, e-mail:
Mkrticheva Karinae
Borisovna –
lecturer of economics and social theory dpt. Rostov
State Medical University. Tel.: 8-863-264-56-07.
Moiseeva Tatiana Borisovna
– senior lecturer of information
technology dpt. South-Russian State University of Economy and Service.
City: Shakhty. Tel.: 8-863-264-56-07.
Nimanikhina Olga Ivanovna
– lecturer of clinical psychology. Rostov
Institiute of Upgrading and Retraining of workers in the sphere of
education. Tel.: 8-863-221-15-73.
Plekhanova Marina
Vasilievna – post-graduate student of the
philosophical dpt. Belgorod State University. Tel.: 8-863-264-56-07.
Poselenov Andrei
Vyacheslavovich – senior lecturer of the social and human
disciplines department. Volzhskiy polytechnic institute (branch)
Volgograd state technical university.Tel: 8-927-250-20-47, e-mail:
Pyatkov Timur Viktorovich
– post-graduate student of the
philosophical dpt. Belgorod State University. Tel.: 8-863-264-56-07.
Ribalka Elena
Aleksandrovna – candidate of philosophic sciences, professor
assistant of the civil-law disciplines department. Rostov Law Institute
MIA of Russia. Tel.: 279-52-89
Sakhibgoryaev Vadim
Khasanovich – professor assistant,
economics and management dpt. dean. Magadan institute of economics and
management. Tel.: 8-863-247-49-47.
Sampiev Israpil
Magometovich – candidate of philosophic
sciences, head of sociology and political science dpt. Ingush State
University. Tel.: +7-928-793-58-28, e-mail:
Tyurina Maria Nikolaevna –
lecturer of english language dpt. South
Federal University.Tel.: 8-918-548-91-97.
Tarasova Anna Alexandrovna
– post-graduate student of the
philosophical dpt. Kursk State University. Tel.: 8-863-264-56-07.
Cherkasova Marina
Alexandrovna –
doctor of philosophic sciences, professor, rector. Novoshakhtinsk branch
of Russian Human and Social Sciences University.Tel.: 8-863-264-56-07.
Cherednichenko Irina
Petrovna – candidate of philosophic
sciences, professor assistant of the social technologies dpt. Rostov
State Transport University. Tel.: 8-905-45-94-091, e-mail:
Shapovalov Sergey
Victorovich – post-graduate student of the
philosophical dpt. South-Russian Institute of Human Sciences. Tel.:
Shalya Victor Mikhailovich
– head of analitical department. South
Customs Administration. Tel.: 8-863-275-32-44.
Shepelev Sergey
Evgenievich – post-graduate student of
national economy and management dpt. Pedagogical institute of South
Federal University. Tel.: 8-909-414-44-48, e-mail:
Egilskiy Evgeniy
Aeduardovich – candidate of philosophic
sciences, professor assistant of the philosophical and cultural, science
philosophy dpt. Pedagogical Institiute of South Federal University.
Tel.: 8-951-490-99-24.
Yarovoi Andrei Viktorovich
– professor assistant of history,
philosophy and political science dpt. Azov-Black Sea State
Agroengineering Academy in Zernograd. Tel.: 8-928-104-65-14, e-mail:
E-mail: cknts@mail.ruTel.: +7 (863) 2645607
Fax: +7 (863) 2645607
Address: 344006, Russia, Rostov-on-Don, 140 Pushkin Str., office 205