Sheleketa V.O.
Problem of man integrity within the context of “integral
Sklyarova E.A.
New order and New World order
Osipova Ju.V.
Negative and positive utilitarianism in modern axiology
Shvachkina L.A.
Mercy phenomenon in Confucius culture tradition
Goltyaeva E.Ju.
Aristotle on the mistakes in definitions
Shoubina M.M.
“Roman view” on the barbarism problem: slave relations in Roman
Rozhkovskiy V.B.
Kenosis and death sophiology in S. Bulgakov's philosophic
creative work
Papchenko E.V.
Philosophy and natural science interaction while solving the
sensitivity problem
Bogdanova M.A.
Sport activity: sense components (within the paradigm of the
activity approach of S.L. Rubinstein)
Petrenko R.A.
Destructive and constructive aspects of aggression