Academic and applied journal


ISSN 1997-2377

Welcome to Humane, Social and Economic Sciences website.

“Humane, Social and Economic Sciences” journal has been going out since the year 2000 in North Caucasian Scientific Centre of Higher School of the South Federal University.

The journal “The Humanities and socio-economic sciences” publishes articles, reports, reviews, information and other materials on key problems of social studies, including practical issues of cultural and civil life. Published scientific articles are the results of fundamental and applied research primarily in the field of philosophical, historical and economic sciences, as well as the results of thesis research for the academic degree of a Ph.D. and candidate of sciences in relevant fields. Most of the articles are dedicated to the research of history and philosophy of science, philosophical anthropology, modern socio-philosophical and religious studies, topical problems of the national and general history of the corresponding period, studies of the specifics of national cultures, the history of international relations. The journal regularly publishes scientific articles and other materials covering topical problems of economic theory, economics and management of the national economy. Considerable place is given to the issues of the methodology of scientific research. The journal also highlights news from the life of the professional community: information about planned and existing scientific and practical conferences, commemorative dates and anniversaries of eminent scientists.

The main objectives of the journal are: to highlight the results of research activities of Russian and foreign scientists in the field of social, humanitarian and social sciences; to attract the attention of the professional community to the most relevant issues of philosophy, history, economics; development of international cooperation and presentation of the main achievements of research activities of young scientists to a wide audience; to provide discussion in the professional community in general.

Target audience: scientific and scientific-pedagogical workers, applicants for academic degrees, undergraduate students.

The journal has made the list of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and periodicals publishing fundamental scientific grand Ph.D. and Ph.D. thesis outputs from 01.02.2022: economics: 5.2.1, 5.2.4; historical sciences: 5.6.1, 5.6.2 (from 20.03.2023), 5.6.6; philosophy: 5.7.6, 5.7.7, 5.7.8, 5.7.9.

About the journal:
Founder Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “South Federal University”
Editor-in-chief Evgeny Ephimovich Nesmeyanov, Ph.D. of philosophy, professor. Honored worker of High School of the Russian Federation, Honored worker of Education Ministry of the Russian Federation
Form of periodical circulation periodical printed publication
Type of periodical circulation journal
Periodicity 6 times a year. Format 60×84/8
Language Russian, English
Country Russia
City Rostov-on-Don
Registration number ПИ №ФС 77-62394 Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications
You can subscibe through the agency “Rospechat” (subscription index 82290)
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09.01.2025 Abstracts of Issue 6, 2024 added. More.
16.11.2024 Abstracts of Issue 5, 2024 added. More.
12.09.2024 Abstracts of Issue 4, 2024 added. More.
09.07.2024 Abstracts of Issue 3, 2024 added. More.
24.05.2024 Abstracts of Issue 2, 2024 added. More.
17.03.2024 Abstracts of Issue 1, 2024 added. More.



Southern Federal University

105/42 B. Sadovaya str., Rostov-on-Don, 344006

Publishing house of Southern Federal University

Publishing and Printing complex of SFedU

200/1 Stachki av., building 1, office 104, Rostov-on-Don, 344090

Editorial office

Office 120, 140 Pushkinskaya str., Rostov-on-Don, 344006
Phone: +7​ (863)​ 219-97-49*11091